Frequently asked questions


  • Permanent cosmetics are a type of cosmetic tattooing also known as micropigmentation or semi-permanent cosmetics or permanent makeup.

  • The longevity of your results will vary based on your skin type, health, and lifestyle. On average clients come back annually for a colour refresh.

  • Georgiana will discuss your requirements by advising your shape, colour and style of brow that will best suit you. Everything from your lifestyle, image, hair, skin tone and facial features will be taken into consideration. Georgiana will use pigment colours to perfectly match your desire depending if you’re wanting a super soft or dense brow.

  • Yes, the healed result will look super natural. Results can be tailored to whatever look, colour, density or tone best suits you.

  • We use anaesthetics to numb the treatment area before and during the procedure which makes each treatment pretty comfortable for you. Each client experiences pain differently. We manage each client accordingly to keep you as pain free as possible.

  • All appointments include two treatments. Your second appointment is a perfecting visit where we make necessary adjustments. This appointment must be done no less then 4 weeks and no more then 8 weeks apart. If you have little to no natural brow hair, you may require a third appointment at an additional cost. This will be discussed with you at your first appointment consultation.

  • At BBG we deliver to the highest standards of health and safety. Georgiana has clients visiting from all over the world. We have a very strict protocol, to have a one use only method, meaning all instruments and materials are used only once per client then are disposed of.

  • No. We prefer you to keep your own brows – don’t even tweeze them before you come in as we like to work within your natural shape if possible.

  • We will shape your brows for you. You are welcome to come with them drawn in the way you like or cleaned off ready for her to work her magic. In the week before your appointment, we recommend avoiding blood thinners, aspirin, alcohol or using retinol creams. We highly value the safety of all of our clients and do ask that you enter our facility with good hygiene.


    Avoid excessive water on the eyebrows for the first 7-10 days.

    Avoid exercise and excessive sweating for a minimum of 7 days post procedure.

    Do not touch your eyebrows for the first 24 hours.

    Do not pick or peel scabs.

    Protect from the sun.

    No swimming , saunas or jacuzzi for the first 10 days.

    No makeup in the eyebrows for a minimum of 14 days .

    No retinol or exfoliating products near your eyebrows for 28 days.



    Immediately Following The Procedure: The treated area will be darker and bolder in color and more defined. This can last up to a week after the treatment while the initial healing process takes place. It may feel a bit like sunburn afterwards but there should be minimal discomfort. Redness and swelling are minimal.

    Day 1:

    It is very important to remove the lymph fluid from the surface of the skin in order to avoid heavy scabbing. Before bed, if the lips still have some dry lymph, rinse with lukewarm water, gently removing the dry lymph, pat dry and apply Aftercare Ointment given.

    Day 2-7:

    The lips may be swollen the second day as well. Please do not ice the lips. Keep the skin moist at all times, do not let the lips dry out. Continue to apply ointment every 30 minutes throughout the day. Again, do NOT let the lips dry out.

    During Day 1 to Day 7(or until the scabs are gone)

    Please Avoid:

    Water (on the PMU area) aside from cleaning them

    Makeup (on the PMU area)

    Excessive sweating




    Spicy food


    Any drinks or products that stain (red wine, beetroot juice, turmeric, cinnamon etc)

    Do not pick or peel scabs

  • Boldness is to be expected with cosmetic tattoos. Eyebrows will appear 30%-50% darker, sharper & thicker, immediately after your procedure redness & swelling will occur in the treatment site for the first 3-5 days but will soften and lighten taking up to 14 days.

  • You can wear mineral cosmetics immediately after the treatment, NOT on eyebrows, however, you need to wait until the treatment area has healed before wearing traditional cosmetics.

  • You will expect the pigment to lighten & soften around day 14 and can take around 28 days to fully see the results.

  • Please disclose any medically conditions when making a booking. We may require you to bring additional information from your GP to your consultation. Oily skin does not hold pigment as well as other skin types. Strokes may not heal as crisp and clients may experience less pigment retention. An additional session may also be required to perfect it. Ombré Brows & Powdered Brows may be a better option for you.


    Women who are pregnant or breast feeding

    Under the age of 18

    Undergoing or have undergone chemotherapy recently

    Using Accutane

    Have a heart condition or using heart medications

    Those with Diabetes (will require a physician’s note)

    Prone to scarring and Keloid scarring

    Have Skin Disease or irritations

    Have had Botox in the last 2 weeks

    Dark tan or chemical peels in the last 3 weeks

    Lastly, those who are allergic to lidocaine, prilocaine, benzocaine, tetracaine or epinephrine, or anyone who has any serious medical conditions may require a physician’s note.

  • We recommend that you do not apply make-up, expose the skin to extreme heat, sunbeds, sweating, moisture or water, we will explain these requirements in full.


  • We use an electronic device (the plasma pen) containing a small metal probe. The plasma pen produces a tiny plasma flash between the device tip and the skin and this tiny superficial thermal trauma causes the skin to tighten and lift. Over the next 90 days the skin tightening effects will continue to progress as the healing of the dermis promotes the production of new collagen and elastin.

  • At BBG we deliver to the highest standards of health and safety. The device is a single-patient use, sterile needle where the needle does not penetrate the skin at any point.

  • Plasma treatment can be slightly uncomfortable and a numbing cream is applied for extra comfort prior to your treatment.

  • A tightening effect can be seen immediately after treatment, with results that last up to 5 years, depending on the treated area.

  • Redness, swelling and scabbing in the treated area for around 8 days on the face and neck areas and for around 10 days on the body, depending on the area and the intensity of the treatment. Swelling usually begins the day following your treatment, and peaks around day 3. Scabs usually appear around day 3 and will begin to fall off around day 6 and 7 (for face and neck).


Remember that the care after the procedure is just as important as the procedure itself. Please follow our recommendations.

  • We will shape your brows for you. You are welcome to come with them drawn in the way you like or cleaned off ready for her to work her magic. In the week before your appointment, we recommend avoiding blood thinners, aspirin, alcohol or using retinol creams. We highly value the safety of all of our clients and do ask that you enter our facility with good hygiene.

  • • DAY 1+ Colour is extremely intense after the first session and you will experience some swealing and redness.

    • DAY 3+ You may experience itchiness in the brow area. Eyebrows will appear thicker . Exfoliation may begin.

    • DAY 5+ You will experience flaking and scabbing of your eyebrows, this is completely normal. DO NOT PICK AT SCABS !

    • DAY 10+ Once scabbing phase is over your eyebrows may look light and faded. Very normal. To be expected. Colour will start to come back from week 3 to 6.

    • WEEK 10 Your eyebrows will be healed and you are all booked in for your 10 weeks touch up.

    Healed results will vary with each individual client. While strictly adhering to the aftercare instructions is crucial, we have no control over the healing process and make NO GUARANTEES of how the healed results will look. The average of two treatments is enough to obtain a natural result. Individuals who experience more bleeding or are looking for a more intense result must understand that it may require additional session (charged accordingly). It is important to remember that permanent makeup is “low” not a “no” maintenance treatment.

  • DAY 1-5:

    Gently clean treated area hourly with damp cotton pads, apply thin layer of given ointment, and avoid excessive water for 5 days. No eating for 3 hours post-procedure, avoid staining liquids, no smoking, and steer clear of the sun.

    Apply a thin layer of aftercare ointment with a Q-tip throughout the day, avoiding mineral oil or Vitamin C-based products. A thicker coat before specific activities and no toothpaste for the first day.

    FIRST 7 -14 DAYS:

    Hands off – no touching, biting, licking, or peeling. Cut foods into small bites, avoid spicy/hot foods, and minimize friction during drinking. No makeup or lipstick on the treated area, no intense sweating, and avoid foreign body fluids.

    Avoid hot sauna, swimming, hot baths/showers, sunbathing, and tanning. Say no to petroleum-based products, massages, facials, waxing, threading, laser, and other skin treatments. Stay away from dirty or dusty environments.

    No alcohol-based products, lactose and fruit acid tonics, retinol, glycolic acids in the treatment area. Skip injections/fillers for 30 days post-Lip Blush. Sun avoidance is key, use SPF 50 chapstick after full scab peeling.

  • Avoid getting the brow area wet for 24 hours

    Avoid contact with direct sunlight, sunbeds, saunas, steam rooms and swimming pools for the next 48 hours

    Avoiding excessive rubbing or touching of the treated area for 24 hours

    Avoid using exfoliating (be it AHA, BHA or scrubs) and anti-ageing skincare around the brow area for 3 days either side of your treatment

    Avoid fake tanning products (including gradual tan) on the face for 3 days either side of your treatment, as it can discolour the eyebrow tint (unless you’re after khaki coloured brows)

    Avoid applying any heavy make up (foundations etc) on the area around the brow for 24 hours

    After 3 days start using argan oil on brows

Have a question that isn’t answered above?

Contact us for more information.